Betta fish Breeder

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Do Betta Fish Need a Heater and Filter in Their Tank

Do Betta Fish Need a Heater and Filter in Their Tank

Siamese fighting fish are often housed in bowls. That means no filter, and no heater. Even people who keep Betta fish in small tanks rarely provide filtration or heated water, and they survive for the most part. Really, this is what makes the Betta so popular. For beginning fish keepers, kids, college students and others who don’t feel

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How to Prevent and Treat Popeye in Betta Fish

How to Prevent and Treat Popeye in Betta Fish: 10 Steps

Popeye in betta fish. It happens suddenly: last week you had a seemingly healthy betta fish, but now its eyes are buggy, foggy, and sticking out of its head. Unfortunately, your betta splendens is experiencing a symptom known as pop eye, in which fluid builds up behind the fish’s eye. Though never fun, a fresh environment, isolation, and

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Total Alkalinity vs. pH, and their role in water chemistry

Total Alkalinity vs. pH, and their role in water chemistry

Have you ever asked about water chemistry “what’s the difference between pH and alkalinity for betta fish? Many of us in aquatics confuse total alkalinity and pH. It’s understandable, given how blurred the line is between words like “alkaline” and “alkalinity.” Indeed, alkalinity and pH in water chemistry are closely related, but they are not the

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