How to make food for life fry

How to make food for betta fry

Tip to make food for betta fry 3-15 days if not use liquifry or artemia And this is the method Nice Betta Thailand Farm use to raise betta fish to this day. When we are unable to provide fresh food to the baby betta fish

How to make betta fish food for fry eggs for fish to eat with pictures

The food that is given to betta fish fry is steamed eggs. Let’s see step by step with photos.

Step 1 Prepare egg and a cup.

Betta fish fry food
Betta fish fry food

Step 2 Crack eggs into a cup and poured water in as well

As for how much water to pour? This depends on how soft the eggs you want. Normally, Nice Betta Farm uses the guess method of taking Try and see for yourself.
be careful!! Add too little water and the eggs will be hard and the fish won’t eat them because…it’s hard to eat.
If you add too much water, the eggs won’t harden. If you give it to the fish to eat, it’s a mess…water rots easily.

Steam egg for betta fish fry
Steam egg for betta fish fry

Step 3 Stir the eggs together.

Stir the eggs together for make steam egg batta fry
Stir the eggs together for make steam egg for batta fry

Step 4 Put the scrambled eggs into the pot.

No need to add fish sauce. or soy sauce into the eggs Because we make it for fighting fish only. You can choose to add a little sea. But it shouldn’t be iodized salt.

Make betta fish fry food.
Make betta fish fry food.

Step 5 Bring water to a boil and wait until the eggs are cooked.

Let's steam egg for betta fry step 5
Let’s steam egg for betta fry step 5

Step 6 Once the eggs are cooked, they will be about as soft as this like the picture.

Betta fish fry food cooked
Betta fish fry food cooked

Step 7 Wash and clean through a sieve to make it smaller.

Should be cleaned through a sieve to make it small several times. until there is no egg oil left. After that, give it to the baby fish immediately.

Let's feed betta fry
Let’s feed betta fry

remember sprinkled just a bit really!! as if most, and the rest, can contaminate water and cause death interchangeable fry.

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