It is an ever-present question: what is a King betta fish? And there is a lot of misunderstanding among betta fish aquarists and even many betta sellers. First of all, you must understand that King betta fish is not only rare betta fish.

Features of King betta fish
As explained above, The king betta fish is not only rare betta fish at all, but any color of betta fish can become a king betta fish. The qualification is that the betta fish must have a large fin and body size of more than 11 cm. However, it is not a giant betta fish and all fins The fins must be perfectly balanced, with no bite marks or rip. Every part must be perfect and belong to long-finned betta fish only.
- Body and tail larger more than 10 CM
- Body and tail must be no the injection marks are broken and the fins form must be proportional.
- Only Logng in betta fish
- Not Giant genetic
It must be said frankly that it is not easy for you to raise the perfect betta fish to become a King betta fish because during the time of raising it, the betta fish can get sick, bite its tail or even have its fin rip off due to accidents at any time.
Differences between King betta fish and general betta fish

From the sample pictures we have made it clear between the King betta and normal betta. so that you can understand more easily It is obvious that the size and body of the betta fish are very different and are not giant betta fish. You can notice the difference in the faces of the King betta and the giant betta. We will present this content soon.
Can you raise your betta fish to become a King betta fish?
So why not? It must be said frankly that nowadays we can buy quality siamese fighting fish from many online betta fish websites. Just choose to buy a betta fish with perfect fins and form proportions. We can raise them to be King betta fish.
But it’s not easy. You can raise your betta in the first 1 – 1.5 years to have the qualities of a King betta or even betta fish farm. You will see that there are very few King betta fish updates because during the raising period there must be Problems or accidents can happen all the time.
The key to making your betta fish grow big and fast is very easy to say, but not easy to do in the allotted time.
- The quality of the water must always be good for fighting fish.
- The food and nutrition of that fighting fish must be complete.
- Exercise your betta fish regularly.
The best way is to buy directly.
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